This paper presents an overview of the research results achieved during implementation of the project “Weather Intelligence for Wind Energy” - WILL4WIND (IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040507). The overall goal of the WILL4WIND project was to reduce the wind forecast uncertainties in coastal and complex terrain of Croatia in order to support a more efficient integration of wind energy in the national electric system. The paper presents the following key results of applied meteorological research conducted on the project: i) evaluation of wind forecasts showed greater accuracy of the ALADIN/HR model when increasing the model resolution, ii) deterministic forecasting using analogue-ensemble post-processing method noticeably improved numerical weather predictions iii) probabilistic forecasting using analogue-ensemble method provided useful information on the uncertainty of wind predictions, and iv) targeted knowledge diffusion and extensive two-way networking supported identification of the joint research priorities of meteorology and wind energy communities and contributed to development of dedicated software to ease the use of ALADIN/HR forecasts in operational wind energy sector activities. PROJECT was implemented by a Croatian consortium led by Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Croatia, in collaboration with the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatian Transmission System Operator Ltd., RP Global Projekti Ltd. and Energy Institute „Hrvoje Požar”. Europen Union co-funded the project through the Science and Innovation Investment Fund within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for Croatia.